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Mission statement Community Living Prince Edward
Mission statement Community Living Prince Edward
2023 2024 Annual Report banner
Our Mission We exist to facilitate the full participation, inclusion and citizenship of people with an intellectual disability in the life of the community.
Our Organization Community Living Prince Edward provides supports and services to people with an intellectual disability and their families.
Our Vision That all persons live in a state of dignity, share in all elements of living in the community and have the opportunity to participate effectively.
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Community Living Prince Edward has been in existence for over 50 years. CLPE was formed in 1965 by parents and friends who rejected the conventional wisdom which said that people with an intellectual disability belonged in institutions. We are a non-profit charitable organization governed by a Board of Directors who are elected by the membership of our association. We serve over 350 people with disabilities and employ some 175 staff who work at various program sites and locations throughout Prince Edward County.


Janet Burns, Community Living Prince Edward

Hi, I’m Janet Burns, and I’ve worked with Community Living Prince Edward for 40 incredible years. Starting out as a summer student, I wasn’t certain what I wanted to do for my career and soon realized this was a field where I could make a real difference every day.

Over the years, I’ve worked with all ages and seen people who live with intellectual disabilities make great progress in living more active and inclusive lives in our community. Currently, I coordinate community supports and services, an area that’s evolved a lot over the past four decades. ... Read More

Community Calendar


Share Your Home. Learn more at our Nov 25 Open House drop-in info session Do you have a place in your heart, and a place in your home? We know a ...Full Story
Monday, November 18
Recovery takes time and money. That’s why funding a new Inclusion Support Worker certificate and on-the-job training is kickstarting careers for ...Full Story
Thursday, April 11
Months of prep. Days of virtual and in-person evaluation. Dozens of stakeholders surveyed. All of which culminated in two prestigious awards being ...Full Story
Thursday, January 18