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Our History

Community Living Prince Edward has been in existence for over 50 years. The Association was formed in 1965 by parents and friends who rejected the conventional wisdom which said that people with an intellectual disability belonged in institutions. They struggled to ensure a life of dignity in the community for their sons, daughters, and friends. Professional staff entered the picture later when it became clear that support outside the family home would be required to help to make the dream of inclusion a reality. Today, we are firmly established in the community, and we are part of a federation of over 100 local Community Living organizations in communities across Ontario with a total membership of over 10,000 citizens.

The name "Community Living" reflects the growing understanding that the right to live a fully integrated life within the community belongs to all. It reflects the aspirations of persons with developmental disabilities to be included in the fabric of community life.

The Association is a non-profit charitable organization governed by a Board of Directors who are elected by the membership of our association. We serve over 500 individuals with disabilities and employ some 200 staff who work at various program sites and locations throughout Prince Edward County. Our primary funding sources are the Ontario Ministry of Community, Family, and Children's Services and our municipality. In order to provide much-needed service and support to areas of the organization which are not funded through the government or which have been affected by recent cutbacks, the Association relies on local fundraising initiatives and donations from individuals and community organizations.

historical image of children playingperson in a golf cart